Miniature Pig-geswyk now on Ebay. Happy bidding! :-)

October 31, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

*** All proceeds go to the St Elizabeth Hospice ***

Good news: if you missed out on buying the full size version of Pig-geswyk, you'll be pleased to hear that this one-of-a-kind miniature version is currently available on Ebay. Hand-painted by artist Lois Cordelia, this miniature pig is easier to accommodate than its big sister, which raised £3,800 for the St Elizabeth Hospice at auction in September.

But hurry - the Ebay auction only runs until 7th November. Happy bidding!

The "Pigs Gone Wild" art trail, in aid of the St Elizabeth Hospice, formed a prominent feature across Ipswich over the Summer, raising smiles from many passers-by. The trail ran for ten weeks from 27th June until 2nd September 2016, bringing hundreds of thousands of visitors to Ipswich, and was shortly followed by an extremely successful and well attended "Ta Ta Trotters" farewell event at the Town Hall, Ipswich, on 10th and 11th September, and, subsequently, last night's auction.


Piggy through the Looking-Glass

During the trail, Lois Cordelia's pig "Pig-geswyk" was located outside the Willis Coroon office building in the centre of Ipswich. Pig-geswyk was easy to spot, being a shimmering golden colour. This very vain little pig gazed admiringly at her own reflection in the dark glass exterior of the iconic Willis Coroon building for the whole of ten weeks. She welcomed visitors of all ages and loved having selfies taken!

The name "Pig-geswyk" is a reference to the Medieval name of Lois Cordelia's hometown, Ipswich, "Gippeswyk" ('place' or 'market' of the River Gipping). The design features two of Lois' favourite Ipswich townscapes: the elegant, historic façade of the Elizabethan Christchurch Mansion on one side, and the stylish contemporary Ipswich Waterfront (including the UCS Waterfront building and the marina) on the other. The design has been generously sponsored by Ipswich Central, as it fits perfectly with their ethos of working to ensure a strong and prosperous future for Ipswich town centre, through promoting its history and heritage, but also enhancing its contemporary image.


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