Shimmering Speed-Acrylics Workshop, Colchester, Tue 26th July 2016

June 28, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Lois Cordelia will lead this "speed-painting" workshop, using acrylic paints, with a special emphasis on shimmering, pearlescent, iridescent and metallic ranges, including gold, silver, bronze, copper and iridescent paints. She encourages you to let go conventional ideas about realistic colour, and instead be expressive and spontaneous, launch into bold, sweeping brushstrokes on a large scale, and communicate more with less.
We will be working loosely based on photographic references (human and animal portraits, landscapes, architecture, etc - please feel free to bring in some of your own!), but the emphasis will be more on freedom of expression than on accurately copying an existing image. This is an ideal workshop for beginners, for those wishing to experiment specifically with metallic and iridescent ranges of acrylic paints, and for anyone wanting to loosen up their painting style.
Bald EagleBald EagleMedium: Acrylic on board
Size: A1
Date: Completed within about 30 minutes as part of a live speed-painting demo, on Thursday 14th April 2016

Price: SOLD. In a private collection in Essex, UK

To book places: please contact Tindalls, Colchester.

Tel: 03302 233390. Email:
 [email protected]

Or via the website:

Cost: £35.
Date: Tuesday 26th July 2016.
Venue: Tindalls, 25 Trinity Street, Colchester CO1 1JN.
The workshop runs 10.00 am till 4.00 pm. Registration is at 9.45am at the front desk downstairs. Morning and afternoon tea and coffee are provided, please bring a packed lunch if you wish or there are several good cafes locally. All materials needed for the day are provided. Everyone attending a workshop will receive generous discounts on all purchases on the day - some exclusions may apply.

Portrait of a Man wearing a TurbanPortrait of a Man wearing a TurbanPortrait of a Man wearing a Turban

Medium: Acrylic on board.

Dimensions: Approximately A2. 594 x 420 mm.

Date: April 2007

Loosely based on a bust sculpture. Unlike most of my portraits, this painting is less about the strength of eyes, and more about sheer presence, nobility and dignity of bearing.

Price: £75

Head of a Native American ManHead of a Native American ManHead of a Native American Man

Medium: Acrylic on board.

Dimensions: Approximately A4. 297 x 210 mm

Date: Aug 2006

Comments: This was one of my earliest and freest experiments with colour, allowing the tonal variations of a black and white original image to suggest their own harmonious colour vibrations. I was also fascinated by the textures of the skin, the stern expression and eagle-eyed gaze.

Price: £75


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